Sunday, October 5, 2008

Making plans

Sarah's Thoughts:
I am definitely feeling the effects of fall.  Wanting to be crafty and cozy and dressing Owen in these fleecy, snuggly outfits.  This time of year, I am completely content to sit around the coffee shop, dreaming, scheming and compare 10 year plans. The world is my oyster and I have a 5 month cocoon to grow into this incredible being that will take everyone by storm!  When the sun shines again, look-out world because you're going to have to deal with the unstoppable force of Super Sarah!  Then before I can say, "remodel", its April and I'm completely unprepared.  I feel stir-crazy and unsatisfied.  The time for action is upon me and I don't know which direction to head.  All the plans and clarity I had in the fall get muddled and lost and so I sit down and feel sorry for myself.  Maybe a list will help me?  Maybe I should try it this fall...  I'll keep you updated...  In the meantime my sewing machine is humming away and I'm organizing the Thanksgiving line-up. 

High - I am in love with my boys.  They are both so wonderful and precious and I can't believe I am so blessed.  Thank you God!

Low - Having to call my neighbor at 8:30 last night and ask that she put the kibosh on the band practice of her middle school kid and his friends which was happening outside on her second story deck.  I felt like grumpy neighbor, but I did have a sleeping baby and their off-key clarinet was reverberating in our living room.  After the phone call, I kept turning the conversation over and over in my head...  did I do the right thing or did I over-react?  Luke assured me that I did the right thing... but said I was kind of loud on the phone and he was afraid I was going to wake Owen up...  Aye!

Luke Update
Luke had another action-packed week with Owen.  Poor guy was not created to be a stay-at-home dad so the last month has not been the easiest for him.  On Wednesday evening, he was especially mopey and quiet.  I asked him what was wrong and he said that he was mentally exhausted... so I "made" Luke go hunting this weekend and he came back as good as new!  Whew!

Luke was selected for Grand Jury Duty this week.  I gave him all sorts of suggestions to get out of it... "Tell them that you LOVE police officers and if the plaintiff has made it this far, they're obviously guilty,"  or "Tell them your sciatic is killing you and you can't handle sitting for hours at a time," or "Bring Owen with you to court.  That'll teach them!"  Luke tried exactly none of these helpful suggestions, however, and I think he is secretly excited about jury duty because he'll have a good excuse to leave the house and have some adult interaction once a week.  

Owen Update
Owen is on the move, walking EVERYWHERE.  He also has been talking, which has completely caught me off guard.  I mean he talks all the time in his own little gibberish language, but in the last 24 hours, he's started saying actual words.  He's been saying "mama" and "no" for awhile, but I don't think he REALLY knows what they mean.  Yesterday, however, we were driving and Owen wanted a snack.  Usually, Owen whines or makes smacking sounds to tell us he's hungry. On this particular car ride, Luke told Owen to say "Please" and Owen responded with "pishe?" in the cutest little boy voice you've ever heard.  My heart melted and I thought, "Anything.  I'll do anything you want."  Since that car ride, he has used that word a lot and I literally jump to attention.  Owen, can you say "totally whipped"?  He tried on his halloween costume this week. Check it out, Yo!  

The wonderful thing about tiggers is they're so darn cute!

I made Owen a fort by pushing the couches together, taking off all 
the cushions, and putting a sheet over the top.  He liked it but didn't 
LOVE it like I remember loving forts.... maybe he's too little?  I'll try again!

I dressed Owen in a sweater today for church.  He ended up napping right 
through the service so we didn't even go, but doesn't he look darling? 

Luke likes to take self portraits when he's hunting alone.
Just a man, his rifle and a blaze orange hat.
It doesn't get much better then this.

1 comment:

Lela Paden said...

Just bring him over and the big boys can show Owen the true fun of making a fort. Such a cute boy. I love his costume. I still don't know what my little boys are going to do. I'm not so worried about the big kids.