Sunday, January 25, 2009

Ready to Move On...

Sarah's Thoughts: For me, that warm weather last week was the groundhog's shadow.  I expect to see spring each morning when I open my curtains- sunshine, snow melt, longer daylight hours, even skunk cabbage.  I'm finished with the hibernating and ready to move on.  Maybe that's why I was debating on whether or not Owen needed a hat today when we went for a walk. After about 30 seconds outside however, I realized that 20 degrees means it is actually still winter.  Its not just me, my coworkers are feeling it too.  They are into calorie counting and doing these insane workouts.  Even though I'm coming out of hibernation, I'm not feeling motivated in that direction.  I think I need to book a vacation to Hawaii or Mexico and then the prospect of wearing a swimsuit in public might push me over the edge.  Meanwhile, I'm feeling ready to be finished with my projects and the nesting clutter.  Beware, oh you piles of paper and unfinished projects!  Mildew and clothes that don't fit, your days are numbered! ..and, I guess, flab and that extra 5 pounds of winter insulation... Stinking peer-pressure! 

High- The weekend- girl's night at the Jubilee Cabin, chilling with my boys, finding old friends on Facebook.

Low- Owen still not being over his gastro-intestinal issues.  Poor baby!

Luke Update: I feel like I owe Luke an apology for dogging his legislative job in my previous blog.  This last week, he really was quite busy at work.  One day he didn't even get a lunch break.  All that to say, Luke has been working hard for the woMan, bringing home the bacon, taking care of the family.  After several evening hours in the garage with the power tools humming, he finished making a deer call, all the while contemplating how to launch into mass-production-  we're always trying to figure out the perfect way to fill in the gaps around Luke's seasonal employment.  Luke breathed a sigh of relief yesterday when he finally got his hands on his long-lost Christmas presents.  They were removed from his bag by Georgia TSA when we were traveling home, spent nearly 2 weeks on someone's desk, and then another 2 weeks enroute to us.  Luke is now happily testing the hardness of molten lead to his heart's content.  Phew! 

Owen Update:  Sometimes I feel like I don't know what sort of things to be teaching Owen. Do I focus on numbers or letters or words or skills... I guess its all important. Owen has this hoakey book that talks about body parts.  I always avoid it, but this week when Owen insisted on reading it several times, I decided to embrace opportunity to point out "Owen's ears" and "Mommy's teeth".  Yesterday, Owen was sitting on my lap and I said, "Where's Owen's nose?"  He pointed right to it!  He also knows where his hair, eyes, mouth, ears, knees, teeth, tummy, feet and hands are, although he sometimes gets ears and hair mixed up.  I know this is all stuff that kids his age should know, but I'm still amazed.  All these little things add up to a pretty big miracle.  One more thing- I was putting away laundry Friday night and Owen saw his freshly laundered Spiderman suit.  He brought it over to me, wanting to put it on.  After I  stuffed him into his red suit of freedom, he wondered all over the house, banging into things (he can't see very well when he has the hood on).  Eventually, he decided that he wanted to drive the car in the garage.  There's an extra special little video after the pictures of his super-hero adventure...

Freshly showered, doing one of his favorite activities:
turning the light switch off and on... naked.

A little pre-walk bike riding.

Loving it!

Walking on the trail like a big boy!

Sweet dance moves in his new Sunday School clothes

The Great Adventures of Spiderman!

1 comment:

Casey said...

Sarah- I love the video of Spiderman!!! I will have to show Ellie that in the morning. I am sure we will watch it over and over again. :)