Sunday, January 11, 2009

In Sickness and In Health...

Sarah's Thoughts:  I remember hearing the story about Typhoid Mary, how she was a cook in New England in the early 1900's.  Every house she worked at, the inhabitants would contract typhoid because, come to find out, she was carrying the disease.  She'd try to take care of her household while they were sick, but she'd just further spread the disease.  When I heard the story, I thought, "Oh no!  I'm Typhoid Mary" because I have this strong immune system and it seemed like sometimes other people would get sick when I wouldn't.  Now I know its true. This week, Owen and Luke both came down with a nasty case of the stomach flu and I really didn't.  I think I carried it home from work.  Earlier this week, Luke and I were racking our brains, trying to figure out what wonderful, romantic and special thing we were going to do for our 4th anniversary.  Turned out, neither of us felt like doing much of anything.  He puked all day, and I took care of sick boys... and I'll do it again too... 'til death do us part.

High - Finding out that I still fit into my wedding dress!  Oh baby!

Low- Discovering Owen on Wednesday morning, sobbing in his bed, amid a mess of dried puke, while brown, watery goo squirted out the other end... my poor, poor baby!  (I apologize for the descriptive nature of the previous sentence.  I tend to get a little graphic when it comes to poop)

Luke Update: I think two words that begin with "s" sum up Luke's week....  "sick" and "shoveling" ("sick of shoveling" would most likely also apply).  I've already talked about Luke getting sick... but what you don't know is that we've have about 3 feet of snow in the past week.  I'm not exaggerating.  The burm on either side of our driveway is up to my shoulders and sadly for Luke, we have quite a long driveway.  One very exciting thing for Luke is that TSA in Atlanta found his missing Christmas presents!  Someone had pulled this box of presents out of Luke's bag, thinking it was something dangerous?  Then, some other person came back to work after being gone for a few days to find this random box on his desk.  Lucky for Luke, he packed his presents in a box that had his dad's name and address and phone number(?) on it.  All that to say, the presents are on their way to us.  Yipee!  

Owen Update: Poor baby Owen has had a rough week.  Started out on Monday with is 18 month check up.  4 shots later they told us that he was in the 50th percentile for height, 70th percentile for weight and 90th percentile for head circumference.  Tuesday was his first day at day care, which I think went very well.  He ate and slept and only cried for 1 minute after Luke dropped him off.  Things went downhill rather quickly on Wednesday with the whole puke-covered beginning.  I had to miss work for the first time due to a sick child and Owen hasn't eaten much since.  He goes through cycles of seeming perfectly normal and happy and then will completely break down in big fat tears and whaling (this happened at Costco tonight when we walked past the ginormous container of animal crackers.  We ended up getting a container and letting him dive into it right there, in the store.  Great parenting, eh?)  

One pretty precious thing that he has started doing recently is spontaneous prayer.  We'll be driving in the car, or making dinner or playing in his room and all of a sudden, he folds his hands and starts spouting this stream of babble.  So I'll fold my hands too and we'll pray a quick prayer, "Dear Lord, Thank you for this day, for our family and for all of our loved-ones (that's you).  Please bless them and protect them.  Thank you for always being with us and thank you most of all for Jesus.  In your name we pray, Amen."  

Whew.  What a week!  Amen.

Upside Down

Out for a cross country ski...
You would never know that 20 minutes before this picture,
Owen had a complete melt-down in the middle of the frozen
lake whilest riding on mama's back on skis.  Lovely.

Story time this evening

Ride 'Em, Owen!  Yee-haw!

Post-nap , watching Veggie Tales with dog blanket 
(Christmas present made by Great Grandma).  
He loves to look at each little dog face on the blanket 
and say a quiet "arf, arf".


Rachel said...

So sorry about the sickness. I must admit that everyone in our household got some sort of virus about two weeks ago. Everyone except for me. Yeah, momma stays healthy again.
That's so cute about Owen saying little prayers. He obviously sees you guys pray often. That says more to me about your parenting than the animal cookies in Costco. Plus cause I've also done the box of crackers in the store thing myself. Sometimes those bit boys are just hungry! I usually get the kids to at least wait until we get to the car. It's one of those "do whatcha gotta do" things.

Rachel said...

Whoops, I meant "big boys" as in the slight husky nature of Isaac and Owen. However, I think our boys are more just blocks of muscle than anything.

Casey said...

Hey! Happy belated Anniversary. Sounds like you had a good one hahaha :)