Sunday, August 9, 2009


Sarah’s Thoughts: I’ve been feeling a little directionless. I don’t know if its the sometimes hectic, get-outside-this-minute-because-who-knows-when-the-sun-will-shine-again lifestyle that seems to be summer or if I’m just disorganized and in need of focus. Probably a little of both. I’m feeling like we have a lot of different irons in the fire at the moment, so I’m hesitant to throw myself into any one thing in case I have to suddenly change directions... as a result, I’m treading water- not really doing anything. The reality is that I need to sit down and make some good old fashioned lists. I need to realize that just because I’m not sure when I’ll hear from a client on the latest graphic design project doesn’t mean I can’t take 30 minutes and go for a jog, or clean a bathroom. Just because I haven’t fully planned our trip in October doesn’t mean I can’t start some laundry or return a phone call...

Low- Work. We were so busy and down two assistants, so I had to keep running into the back to chart for the hygenists or help in the surgeries... and we seemed to have an extra load of H.M. patients (high maintenance) this week for some reason...

High- My friend Amy gave me a raspberry plant! I grew-up with raspberries in the back yard and I’m so excited for this plant to grow and spread and make all kinds of baby raspberries!

Luke Update: I know you’ve been waiting with bated breath all week to hear the deer report. Well, let me tell you, it was worth the wait. Luke and his buddy John went on an overnight alpine deer hunt to the back side of Douglas Island on opening day. Luke had never shot a deer on opening day. That, however, is no longer the case. Before they even made camp, Luke got his first deer of the 2009 season. The following day, John followed suit. The only bummer was that it took them so long to hike down the mountain with all their gear and 2 deer, they missed the tide. When they got back to the boat it was high and dry with 1 hour of outgoing tide and then another 2 of incoming tide to go until the boat would be floating again. Lucky for us, they had nothing but time to take a lot of pictures of themselves with deer antlers.

Owen Update: I didn’t know it, but there’s this corner out there and Owen is in the process of turning it. He’s seems to be much more confident and comfortable with himself and more at ease when we leave him with other people. He had his 2 year-old check-up last monday. In the past whenever he goes to the doctor’s office, he is very nervous- he starts to cry as soon as the nurse walks in the room. I was anticipating this on Monday, but thankfully, he did great. He opened his mouth wide to show Dr. Monica (who he called “Yia Yia”) all of his pearly whites. He cried during the administration of 3 shots, but recovered quickly and even gave the nurse a high-five on his way out the door. I am pleased to report he is in the 70th percentile for height (35”)and weight (31 lbs) and that good old head circumference is holding strong in the 90%.

shoveling at Sandy Beach

the joker with his T-Rex

it's been awhile since the last bath picture...
(Notice the dinos in the tub. They're everywhere!)

future rock climber
(he made it to the top platform all by himself!)

Proud hunters with their deer antlers
just waiting on the tide

Owen's first canned smile for the camera.

gotta love the hose.

mighty hunter bringing home the back strap

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Congrats to the mighty hunter. That looks good enough to eat! Shawn says congrats, too.