Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's Official!

Sarah’s Thoughts: I’m officially starting the second trimester of this pregnancy, and I have to tell you, it couldn’t have come too soon. I’ve definitely had a rougher time so far so I’m excited to be feeling better and have more energy. I know Luke is excited for that too! Maybe I’ll finally get to those forgotten piles of laundry stashed all over the house and be able to come up with something for dinner besides grilled cheese sandwiches and frozen pizza. Owen has decided that he has a baby in his tummy too. Today when I was snapping his pants, I accidentally pinched his tummy and he said, “Mama! You need to be careful of my baby!” He’s not sure what kind of baby is in there... could be a baby brother or maybe a baby t-rex... Time will tell!

low- the constant guessing game of “If I eat this, will I feel better or will I get sick?”

high- backyard weenie roast on a lovely partly-sunny evening

Luke Update: Something very exciting happened today. Luke started the boat for the first time in 2010. Roar of the engine, puff of blue smoke and spring is officially here, folks! We are planning a cabin camping trip on one of the islands in two weeks with another family so the boat needs to awaken from winter's hibernation and get ready for action! We’ve been noticing several other signs of spring such as pussy willows, buds on the blueberry bushes and the call of the varied thrush. Despite the surprise eight inches of snow this week, I’ve joined my husband as a believer in the change of the season. Luke has three weeks left in the legislative session which is kind of exciting. End of session equals change of pace for all of us which will be refreshing. Then its onto steelhead fishing, bear hunting, and watching Owen during the day until his fishing season starts.

Owen Update: I am very pleased to announce that Owen is officially potty trained. No more diapers at all, not even while sleeping. Its amazing how long I wondered when he’d finally get the concept of going potty on the toilet, and then one day, it happened! I didn’t even realize that I was buying my last box of diapers for Owen (probably because they were from Costco... so baby #2 already has some size 5 diapers waiting)! I can’t be sure, but I think that Owen might just be moving out of the dino phase, which is also kind of exciting. It seems like he’s been more interested in other types of animals lately, especially elephants and snakes. I mean, he still likes dinos, for sure, but I the intensity that used to come with the mention of “T-rex” is waning... I read Owen a paraphrased version of “The Velveteen Rabbit” last night and he decided that he needed to sleep with a stuffed bunny. Sweet boy.

"The Pile"
Owen's latest favorite game which includes pulling
every single pillow, cushion, blanket, he can get his hands on
and dumping them in a huge pile in the middle
of the living room. Makes a big mess, but secretly, I sort of enjoy it too.

swans on Moose Lake

"Kickin' It"
with Dolly and Chachi

"My future's so bright... "

mountain goats at the mighty mendenhall

our own little bart simpson

backyard picnic


Rachel said...

I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm starting to feel like the clock is ticking on my "feeling better/2nd trimester". The extra bonus of chasing around after two kids is wearing me down more quickly.
Owen's game of piling up the blankets sounds strangely familiar to something a certain group of boys plays. I suppose it's possible he's played it a time or two with them.
And your backyard wienie roast looks great. Especially with that corn on the cob! Yum!

Harvey Globetrotters said...

I love Owen's story about his own baby...cute! Looks like you guys are doing well, so glad baby number two is growing good and you're starting to feel better! You're such a great mom!